Understanding The Different Types Of Solar Panels

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About six months ago, I realized that my home wasn't very energy efficient. It seemed like I was always paying more than I thought I needed to on power, and it was really frustrating to deal with the costs. I wanted to start lowering my expenses, so I started focusing carefully on going through and evaluating my needs. Within a few short months, it was clear to see that my changes had made a difference. This blog is all about creating a more energy efficient home one day at a time. Check out this website for great tips that can save you and your family money.


Understanding The Different Types Of Solar Panels

11 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to installing your solar panel unit, numerous considerations have to be made. The first thing you should think about is the type of solar panels you want to go for when doing your installation. As such, the modern market has three main types of solar panels from which you can choose. They are categorized into thin-film solar panels, monocrystalline, and polycrystalline solar panels. These types of solar panels can be easily differentiated from their different characteristics. In this article, you will get to understand the various properties of each of these solar panels to give you a better idea of the kind you should choose. 

1. Monocrystalline Solar Panels

These solar panels have been around for quite a while now and are mostly preferred for residential use. Perhaps the most exciting thing about monocrystalline solar panels is that they can utilize small amounts of sunlight to give back remarkable amounts of energy.  

These solar panels have quite a complicated structure which is why they tend to be the more expensive variants in the market. In the monocrystalline solar panels, the design is composed of a single crystal that is susceptible to high-temperature levels. Their most distinguishable feature is their trademark black hue. They are also quite efficient with a good lifespan.

2. Polycrystalline Solar Panels

Polycrystalline solar panels have a distinctive structure that is composed of several crystalline cells. A standard residential solar panel has an array of silicon crystals that form a semiconductor layer of cells. The cells allow for a high-temperature coefficient for better performance and efficiency.

There is minimal wastage of silicon in the manufacturing process, which explains the competitive prices when it comes to installation. The difference between them and their monocrystalline counterparts is that they aren't very efficient in how they produce energy from the sunlight they get. Ultimately, their ability to give you sufficient power is inhibited compared to their alternative. 

3. Thin-film Solar Panels

Thin-film solar panels are fabricated from a combination of different materials, something that sets them apart from the other two types. In most cases, the material that makes up thin-film solar panels is cadmium telluride

Essentially, a layer of this material is placed amidst transparent sections that allow light to pass through them. It also consists of a glass structure at the top layer that aids in protection. They, however, do not have any silicon wafers in their design.