3 Factors To Consider Before Investing In Solar Panels

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Creating A More Energy Efficient Home

About six months ago, I realized that my home wasn't very energy efficient. It seemed like I was always paying more than I thought I needed to on power, and it was really frustrating to deal with the costs. I wanted to start lowering my expenses, so I started focusing carefully on going through and evaluating my needs. Within a few short months, it was clear to see that my changes had made a difference. This blog is all about creating a more energy efficient home one day at a time. Check out this website for great tips that can save you and your family money.


3 Factors To Consider Before Investing In Solar Panels

18 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Renewable energy sources are becoming more available to the average homeowner. One type of renewable energy that is appearing in more neighborhoods across the country is solar energy.

Adding solar panels to your property can significantly reduce your electrical energy costs over time. In order to get the most out of your solar panels, you must be sure that you are investing in the proper model for your home.

Here are three factors that you should take into consideration before buying solar panels to maximize the value of your solar resources.

1. Roof Condition

Most homeowners choose to install solar panels on their rooftops. The roof can be a great place for solar panels to collect the energy in the sun's rays without being obstructed by trees or neighboring buildings.

If you want to invest in roof panels, you will need to evaluate the condition of your existing roofing system. Some solar panels can be quite heavy, and your roof will need to be structurally sound enough to support their weight.

If your roof isn't up to par, you will need to invest in ground-mounted solar panels or replace your roof prior to installing new solar panels atop your home.

2. Curb Appeal

Adding solar panels to your property can alter the appearance of your home. Panels that are mounted on the roof will be noticeable to the average passerby. This is especially true if you need multiple panels to help meet the energy needs of your home.

While many homeowners don't mind the look of solar panels, you may want to preserve the curb appeal of your home. Solar shingles can be a valid option for homeowners who want to retain their home's aesthetic without sacrificing access to solar energy.

Solar shingles look like traditional shingle roofing systems but are capable of converting the sun's rays into usable energy.

3. Budget

Solar panels can be very expensive. You will need to look at your budget before you invest in solar panels to determine whether buying or leasing the panels is a better option.

Leasing requires little up-front investment but will not add value to your property over time. Buying requires that you pay for both the panels and installation, but you will be able to claim tax deductions on your solar assets.

Leasing tends to be the best option for homeowners who don't plan on staying in their current property for an extended amount of time. Buying solar panels is a better choice for homeowners looking to add instant equity to their property.