Escape The Grid With Propane And Propane Accessories

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Creating A More Energy Efficient Home

About six months ago, I realized that my home wasn't very energy efficient. It seemed like I was always paying more than I thought I needed to on power, and it was really frustrating to deal with the costs. I wanted to start lowering my expenses, so I started focusing carefully on going through and evaluating my needs. Within a few short months, it was clear to see that my changes had made a difference. This blog is all about creating a more energy efficient home one day at a time. Check out this website for great tips that can save you and your family money.


Escape The Grid With Propane And Propane Accessories

25 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As the world gets more and more unstable, many people are deciding to escape it all and head for the woods. Living off-grid isn't for everyone, and it's certainly not without sacrifices, but that doesn't mean your standard of living has to be tantamount to living in a cave. This is where the clean-burning fuel propane comes in handy. Here are three things you can use propane for around your homestead:

Propane Kitchen Appliances

Every home needs to be able to store and prepare food. While a wood-fueled cookstove is an option, procuring and splitting wood is essentially a year-round job. You also have to have somewhere to store it and keep it out of the elements. Hauling wood in the house every day is also no fun, especially in the winter, and it makes a mess. A propane stove is the perfect off-grid homesteaders' solution. Cooking with propane also distribute the heat better, which means your food cooks faster.

Keeping your food safely cooled is another issue the off-grid homesteader needs to address. For most people, buying blocks of ice are not only cost-prohibitive, it's expensive as well. While an electric refrigerator isn't an option, a propane refrigerator is. A refrigerator or stand-alone freezer look and work exactly the same as a traditional electric appliance does. They simply run on propane instead. You can also save money by turning it off when you don't need it, useful for people with seasonal off-grid living situations.

Propane Generator

Because not every appliance or electrical device can run on propane, every off-grid homestead should have a propane-powered electric generator. For most situations, a non-stop electricity source isn't needed. Charging cell phones, brewing a pot of coffee, and running the washing machine or vacuum machines only takes minutes to an hour or two. With a generator, you can still do what you need to do with electricity, all thanks to propane.

Propane Lighting

 There's no need to sit in the dark or try to read or other perform other activities by candlelight. A wide assortment of lighting fixtures that run on propane are available for your home. Lanterns and lamps, as well as overhead ceiling fixtures and wall mounts, will provide you with inexpensive lighting wherever you need it.

Additionally, exterior propane lighting is available as well. Light your walkways or your outbuildings, such as a sauna or outhouse, to add security and safety to your home.