Understanding Which Type Of Electric Transfer Switch Is Best For Your Generator

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About six months ago, I realized that my home wasn't very energy efficient. It seemed like I was always paying more than I thought I needed to on power, and it was really frustrating to deal with the costs. I wanted to start lowering my expenses, so I started focusing carefully on going through and evaluating my needs. Within a few short months, it was clear to see that my changes had made a difference. This blog is all about creating a more energy efficient home one day at a time. Check out this website for great tips that can save you and your family money.


Understanding Which Type Of Electric Transfer Switch Is Best For Your Generator

7 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Do you live in a storm-prone area? If so, you likely have considered buying a generator if you do not already own one. Some people buy generators and hope that they will never have to rely on them. However, storms and blackouts can occur when you least expect it. Some areas have specific seasons that can bring moderate to severe weather. This is why it is best to be prepared because it may be years before severe weather happens, but it is going to happen at some point. Most people in storm-prone areas have emergency preparedness kits, and many have generators, too. Unfortunately, some people do not know how to use their generators when it is time. Some people even think that all generators automatically activate when electrical outages occur. The following points will help you to understand more about electric transfer switches and how they activate generators:

Manual Electric Transfer Switch

This is considered as a standard option for getting electricity during an outage. This type of transfer switch will only activate when it is manually turned on. This means that you will need to navigate to the generator during an outage to turn it on. This is not an easy feat in certain cases. For example, if your generator is stored in a tight space, it might be difficult to reach it. You will also need to consider navigating to the area in the dark. This is why it is wise to keep a flashlight and batteries in a specific place if you have a generator that has a manual electric transfer switch. 

Automatic Electric Transfer Switch

This is the most seamless electric transfer switch option. It will automatically activate when an outage is detected. This is an ideal option when generators are located in areas that may be hard to get to. They are also ideal for home of individuals who are elderly or have mobility issues. This option also takes the guesswork out of knowing how to turn a generator on when there is a power outage. Sometimes there is only one person in a home who knows how to activate a manual electric transfer switch. It can be an inconvenience to other family members if an outage occurs when that family member is not home. 

Individuals who want to get an automatic electric transfer switch added to their generators can use energy providers and electricians as resources. These professionals can also install generators and maintain them to ensure they stay in working order.  If you are comfortable activating a manual electric transfer switch, these professionals can show you how to do it, which will minimize the length of time you go without electricity during an outage. 

Contact a company like Enercon  Engineering Inc for more information and assistance.